You might have heard in the news that the population of bees has been decreasing. This is a serious problem for everyone of us. We depend on bees for our fruits, vegetable, nuts, honey, etc. As the population of bees are in a decline, there are a lot of suspects for causes of this problem from bad practices in agriculture, increased usage of dangerous pesticide agents, and urban developments. Bees were not meant to be the target of the dangerous pesticides, but they are really affected because many types of these pesticides contain neurotoxin that would do serious damages to the brain of the bees. With urbanization, there is less sources of flowers for bees to gather nectar for honey. Bees would have to travel longer distances to find flowers. Sometimes, you can find bees that are just tired on the sidewalk because they ran out of energy to find their way back to the hives.
The bees really need our help. There are a few actions you can take to make alleviate the situation. For example, we can ‘bee’ more conscious of buying produce from more environmentally sustainable sources. With organic produce, there would be less dangerous usage of pesticides, which would reduce the damages to the bees. Another way that you can do is to plant more flowers to provide more sources of nectar for bees. You can even get free seeds via the mailbox by requesting them from websites such as BuzzAboutBees, Burt’s Bees, etc. Please get involved, share the message about the bees. They need our help.
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