At sunset, taking photo against the sun of objects produce very nice silhouette. Here is a view of the thorns on a leave of an aloe vera plant against the setting sun.
I was at New Port Beach, CA for an event on a boat. Using long exposure, I trying to cool effects of how the movement of the water, boat, affect the scenery. Here are some cool ones.
Today features another simple still life of my trusted Lacie drives that store most of my digital photos. These are very reliable and fast for me to store and process my RAW image files.
Today I have the chance to find some nest near my apartment that belong to the hooded oriole birds. I spent some time to take photos of these birds. I couldn’t get very close to them as I like, but do enjoy the photos.
At Balboa Park today, I observed a less financially fortunate elder trying to sell little handmade toys and asked for donation. There were two young girls were curious of old lady and the toys. They stopped to wonder and probably to make connections in order to make sense of seeing the less fortunate older person. I...
The night before the opening of the San Diego County Fair, my friend, Gordy, and I went to the fair to visit the photography and wood work exhibition. There are nice pieces of art at the fair this year.