Today, I have just learned that around this time is kitten season where the Humane Society receives a lot of kittens. Since the Humane Society can only keep them for 24 hours, they are asking the local residents if they could host the cats so that they could grow big enough to be neutered and...
The office building where I study at the Scripps Institution of Oceanography has become a home for a pair of mourning doves. The male dove had failed to build a full nest last week since he chose a space that was to narrow to hold a full one. This week he found another place that...
I have this Chinese signature stamp/seal that was given to me by a friend, an old roommate/classmate. When we went back to China, he brought back a gift box that had a ceramic container of stamp ink and a rectangular prism. At one end of the prism, the head of a dragon was carved and...
The view of a landscape in silhouette at sunset is enjoyable. Here a picture of a silhouette of some eucalyptus trees across the canyon from where I live.
Today I took a walk around an area where I live. Here, I can got a chance to take a few photos of these pretty desert flowers. I hope you will enjoy the beautiful nature around you as I did.
Today was San Diego’s Bike-to-Work Day. Biking to work is a regular activity for me, and today added a caveat where there is a pit stop on UCSD campus that I could stop by to get some snacks, a shirt, some prizes, and a light tune-up for my bike. I encourage everyone to spend your time...
La Jolla Institute for Allergy and Immunology locates just right next to UCSD. It interesting to have a building that is surrounded by a landscape that is a bit more barren than other places around La Jolla and San Diego.
The office building where I work is covered with natural wooden panels that has aged with the sun and some rain. The texture and color produce pleasing looks for the eyes.
At the jetty in Mission Bay, there is a number of abandoned/feral cats living in the between the rocks. It is very sad to see that people would abandon their cats here, even though it is illegal to do so. These cats can be detrimental to the surrounding ecological environment since they are predators of...
You might have heard in the news that the population of bees has been decreasing. This is a serious problem for everyone of us. We depend on bees for our fruits, vegetable, nuts, honey, etc. As the population of bees are in a decline, there are a lot of suspects for causes of this problem...
Please click on the photo you want to view larger version and save for your computer background. These photos are free to use as-is without further modification. The usage of the photos must be non-commercial or monetary gain. These photos are meant to promote the awareness of the decline in the bee population.
At the end of a rainy day, the sunset in San Diego is beautiful. The texture of the clouds just filled the sky. Instead of producing just a photo, it is a time-lapsed movie of the sunset. I do enjoy the moving clouds in the video.
Have you ever looked at a leaf very closely? Today, I take a gander at macro photography. The photo today is a closeup view of a lettuce leaf under high magnification (not in a sense of microscopic view). We can see the structures of capillary veins on such a leaf.
It is Tuesday. That means UCSD Farmers’ Market again. At lunch time, one BBQ stand would have people lining up to get food. It is very routine. Every Tuesday around 10-1, you would see a long line around the same stall.
One aspect that UCSD is known for is the school of engineering, where many engineers had graduated and became of pioneers of modern technology. Today, I reflected upon that while taking a photo of the Irwin and Joan Jacobs School of Engineering. The slanted house on top of the engineering building is a symbol of...
I found that taking photos of complementary colors is pleasing to the eyes. Yellow/orange and cyan are a pair of complementary colors. The leaves and flowers of the silver brocade perennial plants form such beautiful mix.